
Utility that provides detailed information about downloads made in Chrome and Firefox.


BrowserDownloadsView is a tool for Windows that displays the details of downloaded files of Chrome and Firefox Web browsers. For every download, the following information is displayed: Filename, Download URL, Web Page URL, Start Time, End Time, Download Duration, Download Size, Web Browser, and more.

BrowserDownloadsView allows you to load the downloads list from your current running system (your user or all user profiles), from remote computer on your network , and from external hard drive.

After BrowserDownloadsView loads the downloads list, you can select one or more downloads and then export them to comma-delimited/tab-delimited/html5/xml/JSON file or calculate the MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA512 hash of the downloaded files.



Technical Specifications

Version: 1.50

Size: 286.54 KB

License: Free

Language: English

Platform: Windows

File Type: ZIP

SHA-256: 772868a90114e84b83068bfb417b4b7afefea12f26a62b2287bcc41486d29653

Developer: NirSoft

Category: Internet/Browsers

Updated: 08/27/2024


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  • ChromeCacheView
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  • Google Chrome Portable
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  • ChromeCookiesView
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  • SeaMonkey
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  • ©2005-2025