DUDE (DUplicates DEtector)

Multiplatform tool that helps locate duplicate files in the system, allowing you to delete them or replace them with links to free up space.


DUDE is a cross-platform tool that helps locate duplicate files on the system, allowing you to delete them or replace them with links to free up space. The graphical interface makes it easy to identify and manage duplicates in designated folders.

Main Features

  • Search in multiple folders: supports up to 8 folders with the option to display "crossed paths".
  • Command line parameters: allows you to start scans automatically or integrate the program with your preferred file manager.
  • Synced panels:
    • One panel to view duplicate groups.
    • Another panel to display the directory of the selected file.
  • Two-step processing:
    1. Interactive marking of files using various criteria.
    2. Action on marked files (move to trash, delete, create hard or symbolic links, or generate .lnk shortcuts in Windows).
  • Regular expressions and glob: support for refined searches with these syntaxes.
  • Content hash based: finds duplicates even if the names or extensions are different.
  • Compatibility: available for Linux and Windows.

Portability of DUDE

DUDE is designed to be portable, creating log, configuration, and cache files during execution. These files are, by default, stored in the dude.data folder, automatically generated in the same location as the executable.

If the program does not have write permission in this folder, it uses platform-specific folders to store these data, as provided by the appdirs module.

To force the use of platform-specific folders, even when dude.data is accessible, you can use the command line option --appdirs.

Why Use DUDE?

The tool was created to provide complete control and security in managing duplicate files, offering clarity and practicality to the user, while also preserving the context of removed files.

Technical Specifications

Version: 2.0235.630

Size: 72.2 MB

License: Free

Language: English

Platform: Windows

File Type: ZIP

Developer: Piotr Jochymek

Category: System/Files and Disks

Update: 01/29/2025


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