
Database management tool for MySQL and MariaDB accessed through a browser.


phpMyAdmin is a tool for managing MySQL and MariaDB databases accessed through a browser. It allows for operations such as creating, modifying, and deleting databases, tables, columns, and records. Additionally, it is possible to execute SQL queries, manage users and their permissions, and import or export data in various formats, such as SQL and CSV.

The interface provides organization to administer databases efficiently, and is widely used on local and remote servers for the development and maintenance of applications.

Technical Specifications

Version: 5.2.2

Size: 15.05 MB

License: Free

Language: English

Platform: Windows

File Type: ZIP

SHA-256: 6b99534f72ffb1d7275f50d23ca4141e1495c97d7cadb73a41d6dc580ed5ce29

Developer: phpMyAdmin

Category: Utilities/Database

Update: 01/22/2025


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  • ©2005-2025