Ultimate MUGEN 2009

Free fighting game featuring characters from series and cartoons.


Ultimate MUGEN 2009 is a game made with the fighting game engine "M.U.G.E.N". It features characters from various fighting series and cartoons such as Street Fighter and Dragon Ball Z.

It is a well-developed game, with good graphics and various game modes. It is a fighting game that will certainly please those who enjoy the style.

Technical Specifications

License: Free

Language: English

Platform: Windows

Developer: 0414setsuna

Category: Games/Fight Games

Update: 07/29/2009


  • Mortal Kombat 4
    PC version of Mortal Kombat 4, one of the most classic fighting games ever created.
  • Dragon Ball Unreal
    Unofficial Dragon Ball game with amazing 3D graphics.
  • Mortal Kombat 2
    If the first one was already good, the second version of the game came to make the game even more popular.
  • Street Chaves
    Fight with the characters from Chaves in a Street Fighter style game.
  • Mortal Kombat 1 for PC
    Recall the first version of Mortal Kombat that marked the 90s.
  • Dragon Ball Heroes M.U.G.E.N
    Exciting battles await you in this fighting game for fans of the anime Dragon Ball!

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