USBDriveFresher is a utility that eliminates useless files from your flash drive that just take up space. These junk files, also known as "temporary files" are being stored on your mobile device by Windows every time you plug it into a USB port on a computer.
By default USBDriveFresher automatically deletes files with the extensions “.Spotlight-V100”, “.Trashes”, “.fseventsd”, “thumbs.db”, “.ds_store” and beginning with an underscore. It is possible to configure the types of files that should be eliminated in "Options".
Version: 1.0
Size: 7.41 MB
License: Free
Language: English
Platform: Windows
File Type: EXE
SHA-256: ad4aa7bf0b379709d69eacfa6b76e124a2bf5391e4e3877830ba2b5dd86ff7ab
Developer: Affinity Tools
Category: System/Optimizers
Updated: 02/18/2019