Tool that allows you to convert Xbox 360 ISO images to Games on Demand (GoD) format.


ISO2GoD is a tool that allows you to convert ISO images from Xbox 1 and Xbox 360 consoles to Games on Demand (GoD) format.

This way, you do not need to use DVDs to play games. Just send them to the console's HD, so you can run them directly from it.

Running games directly from HD brings a big performance boost as games load much faster.

Another advantage is that it eliminates that annoying, loud noise from the DVD drive found in many older Xbox consoles.

ISO2GoD has a clean and intuitive interface and is completely free.



Technical Specifications

Version: 1.5.0

Size: 537.62 KB

License: Free

Language: English

Platform: Windows

File Type: ZIP

SHA-256: 0db2e32bffebe6fa9f2989ec4d323a48f1552fca2f1901bd20bfd9603d5ff8fb

Developer: InsaneNutter

Category: Games/Game Utilities

Update: 01/10/2025


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  • ©2005-2025