Open PS2 Loader (OPL)

Utility that lets you load games via USB, HD or remotely via network.


Open PS2 Loader, or OPL as it is popularly known, lets you play games over the network, via USB or even through an internal hard drive on the Playstation 2. This is very useful when you don't have a reader, for example.

This application must be configured on a console memory card to be used on the console.

The OPL supports three categories of devices: USB and SMB shares, these two support USBExtreme and .ISO formats and the Playstation 2 hard disk, in the FAT version that supports the HDLoader format.

Technical Specifications

Version: 1.2.0

Size: 1.9 MB

License: Free

Language: English

File Type: ZIP

SHA-256: 7548fa96c7d2ca03f45ef5da5d8dae27df3a6e7ff02bab6a452c1e132bac558b

Developer: PS2-HOME

Category: Games/Game Utilities

Update: 12/01/2024


  • USBUtil
    Utility that allows you to transfer games from Playstation 2 to USB devices to be played on the console.
  • USB Joystick Universal Driver
    Easily install any USB joystick driver.
  • OPL Game Utility (OPLUtil)
    App used to manage PlayStation 2 disc images used in Open PlayStation 2 Loader.
  • PS3 Firmware: Offline Mode 4.89
    File for updating the Playstation 3 firmware (version 4.89) in offline mode.
  • Pou Unlimited Coins
    Pou game version where money is infinite.
  • OPLUtil
    Utility that allows you to convert PlayStation 2 games to be played by Open PlayStation 2 Loader.

  • ©2005-2025